來摩茲工寮辦活動 Holding Events at Mozilla Community Space Taipei
我們歡迎大家到這個空間舉辦與自由/開放文化(自由軟體、自由內容、開放資料、開放內容……)的相關活動,並且能在活動中安排時間介紹 Mozilla。我們認為的自由/開放文化活動,主題應包含(而不限於)以下方向:

* 主題為推廣開放原始碼軟體、自由軟體、開放資料、開放內容等
* 活動內容是貢獻開放原始碼軟體、自由軟體、開放資料、開放內容等
* 使用的教材、投影片、錄影檔等用開放授權(例如「創用 CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享」等)允許大眾修改、商用等
* 舉辦開放原始碼軟體、自由軟體、開放資料、開放內容等的活動之籌備會議

本場地座位約可容納 20 人、站位或無桌椅則可達 30 人以上。關於場地所提供的器材,請參考 https://moztw.org/space


We welcome anyone to hold events regarding Open Culture (including but not limited to FLOSS, Open Data, Free/Open contents). We will make a brief introduce about Mozilla in the beginning of your event.

The capacity for this Space is 20, or 30 without chairs and tables. For the equipment we provide, please check https://moztw.org/space.
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請先確認場地是否有空檔 Occupancy
Please check if the space already been booked for another event.

社群參與準則 Mozilla Community Participation Guideline
We expect every event and participant to follow the community participation guideline.


Mozilla 以人為本。我們將人擺在第一位,盡最大的努力去認識、欣賞和尊重全球貢獻者的各種不同特質。Mozilla 計畫歡迎有相同目標,且希望在社群中以健康而有建設性的方式進行貢獻的任何人所做的貢獻。因此,我們特別編製這份行為守則,並要求所有參與者同意並遵循此準則,一同營造出安全且正面的社群體驗。

We put people first and do our best to recognize, appreciate and respect the diversity of our global contributors. The Mozilla Project welcomes contributions from everyone who shares our goals and wants to contribute in a healthy and constructive manner within our community. As such, we have adopted this code of conduct and require all those who participate to agree and adhere to these Community Participation Guidelines in order to help us create a safe and positive community experience for all.
活動名稱 / Event Name *
是否為收費活動 / Is this a non-charging event? *
If you charge attendees any fees, please select "Yes."
是否開放公開報名? / Is this a public event? *
Please also provide the sign-up link in the "Other Remarks" section at the end of this form.
以你們的觀點而言,本活動內容與開放文化的關聯性為何? What's the relevance between this event and Open Culture from your point of view? *
請參考 http://opendefinition.org/od/2.0/zh-tw/ ,特別注意:「免費」與「公開報名」都並非 Mozilla 關心的「開放文化」要素,僅是我們出借場地的參考。
"Free" or "Public" is not necessary "Openness" that we Mozillian cares. However, we would still consider that.
本次活動預期可能有什麼產出,是能夠以自由軟體 / 開放原始碼 / 創用 CC 等公眾授權條款釋出的?/ As a result of this event, is there any works can be licensed with Public Licenses such as Creative Commons or MPL? *
也請一併填入預期使用的授權條款(我們偏好「不特定人能改作、能商業利用」的)。如果您不清楚什麼是自由軟體 / 開放原始碼 / 創用 CC 授權,或者希望討論一下怎樣釋出比較好,可告訴我們需求以便進一步討論。沒有可填「無」。
We prefer the license allows others to remix the work, even commercially. If you have no idea about Free/Open/Creative Commons licenses, please let us know so we can suggest one for you. Fill "None" if there's no work expected in this event.
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